“With Streamline I am able to assess who is doing what, by when and how they are doing it. I am able to monitor staff performance and assess bottlenecks, which is critical to our philosophy of being a proactive business. This gives me peace of mind in knowing that our clients are being serviced without having to resort to constant micro management.”

How would you like to reduce your cost of Streamline by 10%? PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 02 April 2009 14:09

All we want from you is a name - but not just any name. We want your referrals and leads - anyone you think will benefit from using Streamline in their company. They could be your clients, your suppliers, your friends or family. Just let them know to expect our call and give us their details.


But, what is in it for you?

Well, of course, if they sign-up with Streamline, you know how happy they will be with the results. But more than that, we will give you a 10% of the value of their Streamline system following their sign-up. Nice points with the boss (and the accountant) for saving the company money.
And we will also give you a nice bottle of wine as thanks for giving us the opportunity to win over more people to doing it in Streamline.

So, give us a shout and let us know who we should contact.

Schedule it in Streamline (of course!)
Phone us on (011) 886-0355
SMS us on 082 906 0967
Email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The finer points:

  1. Should a Streamline user (working at client A) refer us to a potential , qualified, Streamline prospect (B), ISD undertakes to credit the referring client (A) with 10% of the value of the monthly rental of B, should B sign up for Streamline.
  2. This commission will remain in place until either of the A or B decides not to continue using Streamline, but may be reduced should client B reduce their number of users.
  3. Should the new client purchase Streamline cash initally, 10% of the cash price will be deemed as commission.
  4. This finders commission will only be payable should the accounts for both parties be up to date. If the accounts are not up to date ISD reserves the right not to offer the discount.
  5. Cumulative discounts for further referrals may accrue up to the point where the monthly Streamline rental cost of A is free.
  6. Only the rental (or purchase) costs of the base system at the time of order will be included in the finders commission. All hardware, consulting, process design and diverse costs will be excluded from the commission.
Bring them all in!